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How Long Does Kybella® Swelling Last?


If you have a double chin, you probably wish you could get rid of it. This used to require invasive procedures. Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to remove fat from under the chin. It can give you a slimmer neck, a more sculpted jawline, and a stronger chin.

What is Kybella®?

As the only injectable treatment for submental fat (fat accumulation under the chin), Kybella® works by breaking down fat cells. It offers a minimally invasive alternative to other fat removal methods like liposuction. Kybella® targets an area that often does not respond to weight loss efforts. It allows you to feel more self-confident and stop thinking about hiding a double chin.

How Does Kybella® Work?

Kybella® contains deoxycholic acid. This bile acid acts in our digestive system to help break down fat molecules. When injected into your double chin area, it begins to break down these fat cells. The body will filter them away over the next several weeks. As the body removes the fat cells, you will start to see a slimmer neck and chin area and improved lower facial contours.

How Long Does Kybella® Swelling Last?

The most common effect after Kybella® treatment is swelling. You may find this noticeable enough that you want to avoid social situations for the first few days. Most of the swelling will disappear within about two weeks, although you may have some swelling for up to a month after your Kybella® treatment. You may also notice other effects such as numbness and areas of hardened skin. These will resolve without treatment within a few weeks as well.

What Results Will I See With Kybella®?

You will begin to see results from Kybella® about four to six weeks after your first treatment. Most people need more than one session, and we will space these four weeks apart to allow the swelling to resolve completely. You will see your final results several weeks after your last session. Results can continue to improve for several months as collagen forms to replace removed fat cells, causing the skin to tighten.

The fat removed by Kybella® never comes back. However, the fat cells still in place can grow and shrink just like other fat cells in your body. To maintain your results, we recommend maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding significant weight changes.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella®?

If you have a double chin or excess submental fat, you probably make a good candidate for Kybella®. You may not be a good candidate if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an infection in the treatment area. You should talk during your consultation about any health problems you have.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about Kybella®, we encourage you to schedule a private consultation with Renew MD in Reno, Nevada. Call us or fill out our convenient online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.