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How Much Does Kybella Cost?


A double chin can make you feel insecure. If you have one, know that you are not alone. It is a very common aesthetic concern that is often the result of genetics, weight gain, or even just the natural aging process.

The good news is there is a way to get rid of your double chin without surgery or discomfort. Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that can remove excess fat below your chin and help you achieve a slimmer facial contour.

When patients initially learn about Kybella, they ask us how much it costs. Keep reading to learn the answer to this question.

Kybella Pricing

Your Kybella treatment plan will be custom-tailored to meet your unique needs so the amount one patient will pay for Kybella may be different than what the treatment will cost you. However, on average, Kybella treatments typically cost anywhere between $1,200 and $1,800. Of course, the number of treatments you require will help determine the final cost.

Since Kybella is a cosmetic treatment and not considered a medical necessity, you will have to pay for it out-of-pocket. Fortunately, our team will be more than happy to work with you and design a flexible payment plan that you feel comfortable with. A consultation at our office is the best way to understand the cost of your specific Kybella treatment plan.

What to Expect From Kybella

Kybella is an injectable that is made of synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the human body. Deoxycholic acid works by breaking down and absorbing dietary fat. When one of our expert providers injects Kybella into the fat beneath your chin, you can expect it to eliminate your fat cells so you can achieve a slimmer face.

In most cases, we recommend two to three treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. Once Kybella gets rid of your fat cells, they’ll no longer be able to store fat. Therefore, Kybella is a permanent solution to your double chin.

Good Candidates for Kybella

If you’re bothered by moderate to severe fat beneath your chin, you may be a great candidate for Kybella. In the event you are looking to lose weight, Kybella is not a good option as it is a fat reduction treatment for the chin, not a weight loss solution for your face and body.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about Kybella or are wondering exactly how much this treatment will cost you, we encourage you to schedule a private consultation with your personal assessment at Renew MD in Reno, Nevada today. Call us or fill out our convenient online contact form. We look forward to meeting you!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.